People planning for retirement
As you approach retirement, you may begin thinking more seriously about how and when you might leave the world of work.
You’re feeling ready to start planning how you might like to spend your time once you retire. However, you’re not totally confident that your money is structured in the right way. In fact, you’ve probably got a lot of questions you’d like to ask a professional.
As you may be aware, some financial decisions regarding how you access your retirement savings may be irreversible.
Many of the people approaching retirement who we work with are senior executives or business owners, looking to get prepared for their future.
That’s where we come in. We will:
- Help you to establish your goals and aspirations, both for now and the future.
- Calculate the income you need to fund the retirement you want.
- Help you to understand the value of your pensions, savings and investments, what they mean for the future and whether any improvements can be made.
- Handle all paperwork and administration when it comes to looking after your financial arrangements.
- Work with you on an ongoing basis to ensure you remain on course to achieve the retirement you want, no matter what happens.
Case study
Graham & Linda
Graham and Linda were in their early 60s. They wanted to get financially organised to prepare for their imminent transition into retirement.